How to configure Units in Paywings 4.0?
Within department in an organization or company, a logical element or segment of a company (such as accounting, production, marketing) representing a specific business function, and a definite place on the organizational chart, under the domain of a manager. Also called department, division, or a functional area.
User should firstly add Department ->Unit
Video Reference :
Please follow step by step instructions as described in this document.
- Click on Unit Tile.
- Based on the permissions assigned from the ' Roles Tile', the user shall carry out Add, Edit, Update, Delete, Export options accordingly.
- Firstly user should click on Refresh Data Button.
- User can select Department from existing Department.
- User should enter Unit Name and Description.
- Click on Display Button to show the existing Unit ID, Unit Name, Unit Description, Description Name.
User should double click row for Updation/Deletion of that row.
Enter new data, Click on Update button.
- A message pops "Are you sure you want to update this record ", Click on Yes button.
- User should click on Delete button to delete record.
- A message pops "Are you sure you want to Delete This Record", click on Yes button.
Click on Export button to export data.
- A message pops Are you sure you want to Export the data, Click Yes to export the data.
- A message pops "File has been exported successfully".Click on ok button.
- Exported data is displayed in Excel Sheet.