How to Add new user in Paywings 4.0?
Admin or the authorized user in the organization or the company should create/add users or can even update Password, status etc.
Video Reference:
Please follow step by step instructions as described in this document.
- Click on User Tile.
Admin should create new user or the authorized user can add new user
click on add button.
Enter the detail of the user:-
UserID: This will be the loginID of the User.
Username: Actual name of the user.
EmailID: Password will be sent via email to this ID (if the email is not sent, the password will be displayed within the screen itself).
Notify As Admin: if user is a part of Admin team, then check this.
- Notify As HR : if user is a part of HR team, check this.
- Click Save Button.
- Click on Display Button to show the existing User ID, User Name, User Status, Date Created, Notify Admin, Notify HR.
- Admin or the authorized User can also select filter from the set of filters provided i.e. Starts with, Ends with, Equals, Is null etc.
- Admin/authorized User should double click row for Updation/reset/Deletion of that row.
Click on Update button to enter data to be Updated.
- A message pops "Are you sure you want to update this record ", Click on Yes button.
- Click on Reset Password button to enter new password to be reset.
- A message pops "Are you sure you want to update this record ", Click on Yes button.
- User should click on Delete button to delete record.
- A message pops "Are you sure you want to Delete This Record", click on Yes button.
- Click on Export button to export data.
- A message pops "Are you sure you want to Export the data", Click Yes to export the data.
- Select the location where you want to export the data.
- Click on Save Button.
- A message pops "File has been exported successfully".Click on ok button.
- Exported data is displayed in Excel Sheet.