It is the type of account the employee holds with the Financial Institutions like bank. Paywings has "Savings" and "Current" as inbuilt account types. Any other account type can be added in this tile.
The account types will be displayed in the employee details. Whenever new employee is added with bank account details, the type of the bank account shall be chosen. If the account type is not listed, then it has to be added newly. This will also be used while making online payments (any new account type during payment is subject to authorization by the bank).
Video Reference :
- Click on Account Type Tile.
- Based on the permissions assigned from the ' Roles Tile', the user shall carry out Add, Edit, Update, Delete, Export options accordingly.
- Click to Add new Account Type, Description.
- Account Id is auto-generated.
- Adding Account Type, Description.
- A message pops " Inserted Successfully", Click on ok button.
User can Edit or Delete the row.
Right click on the row to be deleted/edited.
If user wants to delete a row select Delete Row and click on Yes Button.
User can also select filter from the set of filters provided i.e. Starts with, Ends with, Equals, Is null etc.
- Click on Export Button. A message pops click on Ok to export the data.
- Select the location where you want to export the data.
- Click on Save Button.
- A message pops File has been exported successfully.Click on ok button.
- Exported data is displayed in Excel Sheet.