How to Integrate PayZa in Paywings ?
Payza is integrated with Paywings 4.1.1 to facilitate bulk payment I.e.(Mass Pay), which is need of the hour for most of the companies as well as global organizations.
- Click PayZa Tile
- Select Configuration Button

- Enter User name and Password
- Choose Currency from Dropdown
- Enter Test Mode
User Enter 1 for Test Mode
- ⦁ Refresh Data:- Click on Refresh Data button.
- ⦁ Payments:- Click Payments button
User should select Month year, Group By,Grade,Step, Status.
- User should select GroupBy :
2. Department
3. Employee
- Select Status :
2. Paid : Employees whose Payment Transaction is done for the month will be displayed
3. Failed : Failed Transaction should be Processed again

- Reports:- Report will be generated after Real Time Transaction is successfully processed.