How to add Biometric Device Details in Paywings?
Biometric Device can be combined to provide enhanced security i.e Biometric Device Integration provides greater level of assurance of a proper match in verification and identification systems. Paywings facilitates Biometric Device Integration.User should provide details of the Biometric device being used in the company or the organization to integrate with Paywings.
Video Reference:
Please follow step by step instructions as described in this document.
- Click on Biometric Details Tile.
User should enter following details :-
- Enter IP Address of the Biometric Device.
- Enter Device Name for the Biometric Device.
- Enter Port Number of the Biometric Device.
- Enter Machine Number of the Biometric Device.
If availed by the device provider user should enter the following details :-
- Enter License of the Biometric Device.
- Enter Password of the Biometric Device.
- Enter TimeOut (Optional).
For connecting to Biometric Device in Paywings by-default TCP is used, check UDP to connect device using UDP.
- Click on Save Credentials Button.
- A message pops "Inserted Successfully" , click on Ok button.