How to work with Hold/Release of Salary in Paywings ?
The Hold/Release Salary option in Payroll is used to hold back the salary of an employee or a group of employees for a given period of time. Hold salary implies that the processing of the salary will be done as usual and the statutory compliance will be paid, but the Bank Transfer of salary will be put on hold.The salary of the current payroll or the chosen payroll month will be put on hold and will continue for the coming payroll months.This option must be released from the application to proceed further.
Please follow step by step instructions as described in this document :
- Click on Hold/Release of Salary Tile.
- Firstly user should click on Refresh Data Button.
- User should select Payroll Period
- User should Enter Employee id which he want to Release\Hold salary
- Automatically Employee Name and Net Amount of the Employee generated
- User can Click Hold.
- A message pops "Are you sure you want to hold the employee for the particular month" , click on YES button.
- Click on save Button .
- A message pops "Inserted Successfully" , click on Ok button.
- Click on Display Button to show the existing Release/hold Employee
- Edit fields to be updated i.e Payroll Period, Employee Name and Release salary for the Employee
- A message pops "Are you sure you want to hold the employee for the particular month" , click on YES button.
- User should click on Update button to update record.
- A message pops "Are you sure you want to Update This Record", click on Yes button.
- User should click on Delete button to delete record.
- A message pops "Are you sure you want to Delete This Record", click on Yes button.