How to work with Advance in Paywings ?
This module is used to calculate the advance taken by an Employee it stores the Number of months in which they have to repay back the amount, increase in the interest rates, or in the market price of a commodity, good, property, or security
vedio Reference :
- Click on Advance Tile.
- User should click on Add Button to add a new record
- Firstly user should click on Refresh Data Button.
- User should enter valid Employee Id to be searched.
- When user clicks on Employee Name, if provided Employee Id is valid Employee Name will be displayed automatically.
- User can select Advance Name.
- User should Enter Advance Amount.
- User should Enter number of months.
- User should select Recover from
- Monthly Payment will be calculated by itself.
- Click on save Button .
- A message pops "Inserted Successfully" , click on Ok button.\
- Click on Display Button to show the existing Advance. Employee ID, Employee Name, Advance Name,Advance amount, No of Months,Intrest Rate (%), Monthly Payment, Recover From.
- Click on Export button to export data.
- A message pops "Are you sure you want to Export the data", Click Yes to export the data.
- Select the location where you want to export the data.
- Click on Save Button.
- Exported data is displayed in Excel Sheet.
- Click on Export button to export data.
- choose browse to select excel sheet.
- Select the location where you want to import the data,
- User should click on view.
- User should click on Validate.
- A message pops "Validated Successfully", Click OK to import.
- User should click on Import Button.
- A message pops "records Imported Successfully", Click OK to import.