How to work with ESI in Paywings 4.2
Employees' State Insurance is a self-financing social security and health insurance scheme for Indian workers. For all employees earning ₹15000 (US$240) or less per month as wages, the employer contributes 4.75 percent and employee contributes 1.75 percent, total share 6.5 percent.This fund is managed by the ESI Corporation (ESIC) according to rules and regulations stipulated there in the ESI Act 1948, which oversees the provision of medical and cash benefits to the employees and their family through its large network of branch offices, dispensaries and hospitals throughout India.
Please follow step by step instructions as described in this document.
Click on ESI Tile in Reports
- Choose the Employee Contribution
Enter the details such as range of amount in Employee contribution for the first time entry
Click on 'Save' button
For change and update the range of details you can overwrite the previous saved details
- By default previously assigned details will appear
- User can enter the required details in blanks
- Click on the update button to save the new details
Click on Employer Contribution
- User can provide his own Contribution in blanks according to his region
Then click on update button to save the details
A message pop up as 'ESI formula generated successfully' and click on the OK button
Now click on the Report button
Then the following empty blank fields will appear
Select the details of type of report, Payroll period, Reports , Paygroup from the drop down
Then click on the button 'View' to obtain the reports
- user can select the different types of reports such as monthly, summarly, challan, Form -5 etc.,
- User can export the reports into Excel, PDF as below
- Challan report Sample:
Form-5 report Sample:
Summary report Sample :
Monthly Report Sample:
Click on the cancel button for go back to previous sections.